it was a great day. Internal Department in GAMUS HARAPAN has a program. we called it Tali Ukhuwah. we hope a lot of people can follow this program. but what a pitty we were. only 14 people followed. so... a challenge came. it's how to make the program really interesting with 14 people only.
over all the program was successfull. we just spent 3 days to make it happened. eventhough a few people who could follow this program, but i was happy. we got a new experience in Pangalengan.
over all the program was successfull. we just spent 3 days to make it happened. eventhough a few people who could follow this program, but i was happy. we got a new experience in Pangalengan.
we left Dayeuh Kolot at 08.15 AM by public transport.
we mad rundown, after arriving in Situ Cileunca Pangalengan, we will relaxed under trees. took a rest first. after that, we crossed Situ Cileunca to achieve Arbei garden. we could eat arbei as many as we wanted.
we mad rundown, after arriving in Situ Cileunca Pangalengan, we will relaxed under trees. took a rest first. after that, we crossed Situ Cileunca to achieve Arbei garden. we could eat arbei as many as we wanted.
we mad a competition : the winner is a team who could pick arbei as many as they could.
it was my picture with two baskets of arbei
mpok Atik with her new friends. they talked everything friendly. Oh My Allah... the seemed happy and knew each others well.
we walked together to go to small village. we saw a lot of gardens there. potato, cabbage, and maggot. we took wudlu in one of the citizen's house. we must bailed water before we could take wudlu. so... i did it. it was hard. the bucket was heavy.
after sholat, we shared arbei together in a small mushola.
after sholat, we shared arbei together in a small mushola.
we were in a boat to cross Situ Cileunca. i was not scarried.
Rolan hold a basket of arbei. I put the flower.
it was Rolan's new band...

so... this mam has a maggot garden. she takes care the maggot with her husband. it was amazing thing which i never seen before.
so, that was such an amazing experience. i will never forget about it.
so, that was such an amazing experience. i will never forget about it.
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