Sabtu, 25 Agustus 2012

my birthday

it was my birthday card in 2010
somebody gave it to me at 23rd August
one day earlier
because at 24th he went to one place

*It has taken in Happy Day at 23rd August 2012*

my brother (right) told me that it was for celebrate my birthday 

my mother and me
my father and twin

my beloved father was waiting for his meal

my brother and my mother

yes. she is my twin 
my beloved twin
my only one twin
I thought she is stronger than me
She is my reminder when i did some mistakes
She's everything for me
she can be best friend, mother, sister, and everything else

those are my foods and beverages

*Celebrated my birthday in Chick Chicken Barata Rangkasbitung at 24th August 2012*

Nafisa and Yurika (My best friends since junior high school) brought cake for me and Vina
they made surprises
I love it
I miss them so much

Vina and Yurika

Nafisa and me

my burger

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