Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012


wikipedia bilang Love is an emotion of a strong affection and personal attachment. cinta memiliki emosi yang sangat kuat. Melibatkan perasaan pribadi siapapun yang menyelaminya.
Kalau tadi menurut wikipedia, ini menurut gue pribadi, murni.
Love is not like a business, you don't need to get more income to cover the costs. Love doesn't talk about Break Even Point. When you talk or even think about Break Even in your love story, I guess that is not love. But a business.
Love can't be bought by money. Presents can't buy love of other people, but presents reflect your love to them. Presents are not always expensive things, It can be cheap but more interesting.
Love is not always for man or woman but also for your family, friends, career, or everything. But I wanna write about love someone. Someone who will be my friend in my entire life.
Love is a feeling when you wanna live with a whole life.
But the most important about love is... Love is sharing. I mean. When you love, you will share. Share is different with give. Give means: you will give her/him things. But share... it's deeper mean than give. You tell her/him everything which happened in your life. You don't scared that he/she is gonna leave you because you trust; he/she wont leave you alone. Love is about sharing your emotion. When you're angry, you show the anger. When you're sad, you show the sadness, you tell him/her what going on is. When you're happy, you show it too, and any else.
Love speaks both of people, not only you.

Dengan cinta, aku mau berbagi kebahagiaan, kesedihan, amarah, kecemburuan, senyum, dan segalanya :)

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